Would you like to share looking through them together, that would be good for me right now. However, there are no expectations attached. Here's the picture that sent me off on a Pat Vermulan, mind-locomotion. (LOL)
Again, this is a sentiment worth sharing with you at this point in my life. There will be another open heart surgery schduled for me sometime in the near future. Time will tell. And so, I reached out to you, knowing we share some same interests.
You have an exceptional moment or two today.
Annalis Whalen
pH balance is the overall balance between acid and alkali (base) in the human body, as measured by the alkalinity of urine.
pH Balance is not related to blood | Blood is regulated by a healthy body to a very tight range. When the systems that regulate blood pH fail, you have serious medical problems. These problems show as acidosis or alkalosis. These medical conditions have nothing to do with nutrition, and they are beyond the scope of Foodary.com |
Part of the process of compiling nutrition charts is to incinerate food or drink until all water and organic material is removed. The resulting ash is measured for pH. This is nothing to do with the nutrition value of food, and it has nothing to do with the alkalizing effect of food.
PRAL (Potential Renal Acid Load). This is a scientific standard for estimating the acid or alkaline effect of food.
There is an alternative calculation, NEAP, that may interest scientists.
When we consume food, our bodies perform a series of complicated biochemical processes to try and balance our nutrition needs. All this activity involves acid and alkaline substances. For the best general health, the overall net activity should be alkaline. the lower you get the total daily score, the better. Aim for around 25% of your calorie intake as acid forming (positive PRAL Score). For a 2000 calorie diet, your total PRAL score should be at most -35.
You can see that protein is always acid forming, so plan your meal with 150 calories of your favorite protein. Add vegetables, whole grains and fruit to make a 600 calorie meal. If the total is not below -11, switch to more alkaline foods.
If you need any more help to understand my PRAL pH Balance, refer to a book, a food factory, or website.
-Auntie Ani
-Anutty Ani
Spirit Mom
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