Sunday, January 21

left hand

this is a lett handed post. T$r3ying t4o gEt bacsk on t4rascak with my left hand. This feels vey ffffrutraating and I waaant to casomplain. hoWevder3, ifeI juSt push 4thr3ough it maybesloWly it Will change. impercewptivefly slow. I won't4 e2veqn undertand ief it4 isgeftting bet4tqer. it4 is so slow. slow slow the ring finger3 ofe the lefet haand is errattttic at best. I caan usually rely on the middle fqingqer, but4 pinky grivesme grEif.

The point is to keep tryin. Here's me trying. in other Words, doing it,  when it hurts or makes no sense, do that therapy. its the only way to the healed place. Therapy helps it get be better, easier faster more graceful.